Jesuits confirm abuses committed by Ivan Rupnik

🇮🇹 Padre Rupnik: la Compagnia di Gesù conferma quanto detto da Silere non possum

🇫🇷 Père Marko Ivan Rupnik : les jésuites confirment ce que Silere non possum a dit

Following our articles on Father Marko Ivan Rupnik, the Society of Jesus was forced to take a position. The Jesuits confirmed what we said and clarified that the facts were prescribed. However, administrative measures are still pending on the Slovenian Jesuit: he cannot carry out public activities.


The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) received a complaint in 2021 against Fr Marko Ivan Rupnik S.J. concerning his manner of ministry. No minors were involved. The DDF asked the Society of Jesus to set up a prior investigation into this case. The Society of Jesus immediately appointed an external investigator (a religious from another institute) for the investigation. Various people were invited to give evidence. The final report was submitted to the DDF. After studying the result of this investigation, the DDF found that the facts in question were time-barred and therefore closed the case at the beginning of October this year 2022.

During the investigatio previa, various precautionary measures were taken against Fr Rupnik: prohibition from exercising the sacrament of confession, spiritual direction and conducting Spiritual Exercises. In addition, Fr Rupnik was forbidden to engage in public activities without the permission of his local Superior. These measures are still in force today, as administrative measures, even after the response of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.

The Society of Jesus takes seriously any complaint against one of its members. The mission of the Society of Jesus is also a mission of reconciliation. And we want to welcome everyone and everyone openly.