

Pope Francis attacks Donald Trump. The letter to bishops on migrants

The Pontiff writes a letter to the newspapers on the migrant issue but there are many contradictions


Opus Dei. Journalists like to spread falsehoods about the Church

We publish a document from the Prelature of Opus Dei regarding a book published in these or 


Pope Francis to the priests of Rome: 'You will say that the Pope is Lutheran'

Pope Francis met with priests from the diocese of Rome. The Pontiff spoke with them about various topics.


Synod and the widespread incompetence in the Vatican

In a newsletter, Thierry Bonaventura tries to defend the Instrumentum Laboris published a few days ago. The synod continues to cause debate.


Rupnik Case: Maria Campatelli and that inability to feel shame

The director of the Aletti Centre has published a statement in which she attacks the Society of Jesus.


Rupnik Case: No worries. The Aletti Centre plans the move.

Marko Rupnik is already planning to leave Rome. The Aletti Centre will follow him.

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