The diocese of Versailles breaks off collaboration with Marko Ivan Rupnik.
🇮🇹 Rupnik Case: la Diocesi di Versailles interrompe la collaborazione con il gesuita
If in Italy the circle of protection is difficult to break, in France Jesuit Marko Ivan Rupnik has no intercessory saints. As details continue to emerge about the affair involving the Slovenian artist, the Diocese of Versailles issued a communiqué stating that the collaboration with the Jesuit was promptly terminated on 08 December 2022.
The parish of Montigny-Voisins had entrusted Marko Ivan Rupnik with the project to decorate the new Church of Saint-Joseph-le Bienveillant.
The decision, writes Bishop Luc Crepy, was taken following the communiqué that the Provincial Superior issued in response to Silere non possum’s article.
“In making this decision, it is to the people who may have suffered these abuses that we must first think and it is for them that we pray,” the communiqué ends with this thought.
In the meantime, the community of believers is waiting for answers regarding the proceedings that the Jesuit has undergone. The Superior General of the Society of Jesus will also have to explain why no action is being taken against Rupnik for violating the measures imposed. In these hours, Silere non possum is still receiving reports of speeches that the priest has given in the past months.
Among them is a talk that Rupnik gave in Poland in May 2022. Why? Father Sosa said that Rupnik complied. This doesn’t seem to be the case.
The Prelate of Loreto, H.E.R. Mgr. Fabio Dal Cin, pretends not to hear. The bishop has not yet done anything to have the Spiritual Exercises for presbyters, scheduled for February, cancelled. On this, too, Father Sosa said that Rupnik "should not hold them".
On 13 December 2022, in spite of the scandal that had emerged, the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical Athenaeum allowed Father Marko Ivan Rupnik to participate in a discussion of a thesis for which the Jesuit himself was moderator. Not only that, it was publicised on Facebook.
Particular attention, however, was paid in the email sent to teachers, there, in fact, Rupnik's name does not appear.
What can we say? It seems that measures are only taken where Marko Ivan Rupnik has no friends to protect him.
Silere non possum
On 2 December 2022, a press release from the Society of Jesus confirmed that Father Marko Rupnik had been implicated for adult abuse in the 1990s and was subject to canonical sanctions. Known for his mosaics, he was to carry out the interior and exterior decoration of the new church of Saint-Joseph-le Bienveillant, whose construction began a few months ago in the parish of Montigny-Voisins.
After consultation with the parish and diocesan teams in charge of this project, which began more than ten years ago, it was soon realised that these facts made it necessary to discontinue all collaboration with Father Marko Rupnik.
This joint decision was taken on 8 December. We informed those concerned.
This necessary decision, communicated to the parishioners on Sunday 11 December, does not call into question either the construction of the church of Saint-Joseph-le-Bienveillant, or our motivation to make this building site a source of unity and missionary impetus for the parish of Montigny-Voisins-le-Bretonneux. It is in the heart of a wounded reality – that of our Church continuing its journey of truth and conversion – that we will pursue this beautiful project because it remains a sign of hope to be offered to all.
In making this decision, it is to the people who may have suffered these abuses that we must first of all think and it is for them that we pray.
May the Saviour we await at Christmas accompany us and keep us faithful to his Gospel in all our endeavours.
+ Mons. Luc Crepy, vescovo di Versailles
Padre Pierre-Hervé Grosjean, parroco di Montigny-Voisins le Bretonneux